It is not often that the heavens are pulled back and the voice of God is heard audibly. Yet, at the very beginning of Jesus ministry, when He came up out of the water of John’s baptism, the Father spoke: “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life” (Matthew 3: 17, The Message Bible).
In the Father’s words, we see the distinguishing difference between Jesus and every other man who ever lived. It was the love. Love that could be seen flowing from Him. Love that defined everything He said and everything He did.
Jesus was walking revelation of the love of God. You could see this mark of love when He healed the sick or held a child in His arms. Love marked Him whether He was with His disciples privately or being pressed by the multitudes in public.
That mark of love is evident throughout the New Testament. But its importance goes beyond the fact it characterized every act and word in the life of Jesus. It is significant because Jesus did not remain the only one to bear it. You and I and every other believer have been born of that same love and carry the same mark. Romans 5:5 says, ” …because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
Chosen to Bear the Mark
The words the Father spoke from heaven could be said of each of His sons and daughters. He has chosen you- you, too, are marked by His love. You are the pride of His life. His love marks you inwardly with the confidence that He is pleased with you.
Knowing someone is happy with you makes a relationship fun. It draws you close to that person. When a child or adult hears only the disapproval of a loved one, there is a distance between them. It is uncomfortable to be around someone you know disapproves of you.
Every child of God is a delight to His heart. His love is as pure and perfect toward you as toward anyone of His children. As a result, you now also carry the mark of love. It is the mark of being loved not because of the work you have done, your accomplishments or activities. You have been loved with a pure love- a love for you just as you are today.
The mark of love can be left upon people from their own families. Think about how differently people are marked by their families. One child, raised in a family where criticism, complaining and constant correction are common, grows into an insecure person. Another child, raised with encouragement, godly guidance and loving discipline, grows into a confident and well-balanced adult. The mark left on the second child by wise parents is seen in how he views himself or is able to interact with and impact people.
Thank God that even when the actions of a family have left the wrong mark, believers still have of their heavenly Father- His, mark of 1ove. He is in love with us and made us His delight.
How do you describe His love? What does it look like? How do people who are living the love life act and respond? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in the Johnson paraphrase will help bring some answers:
Let me describe love. Love does not play ‘one-up-man-ship’, nor does it react to those who do. Love is not rude or grasping or overly sensitive, nor does love search for imperfections and faults in others. Love celebrates what is real, not what is perverse or incomplete. Love is the most enduring quality of human existence. It keeps on keeping on; it trusts God in every situation and expects God to act in all circumstances. Nothing can destroy love.
When you know you are loved, it is easy to give your love away. God loves you with unlimited and unconditional love. Now you are free to live in His love.
For more information about Dennis Burke Ministries, please contact:
Dennis Burk Ministries
P.O. Box 150043
Arlington, TX 76015
817-277-9627 * 817-277-9628